Josef Cacek
Josef is a Security Engineer at Hazelcast. He is a passionate Java developer, open-source contributor and decent runner. He spent 10+ years by focusing on different aspects of application security. He takes care of security at Hazelcast, before that he was a security freak at JBoss. Josef maintains several open-source projects – for instance the jd-cmd (command line wrapper for Java Decompiler), JSignPdf (digital signatures for PDFs), totp-me (TOTP authenticator for Java ME enabled devices).
Standard Java structures distributed
Java offers a wide set of data structure implementations ready for developers. Collections are a great and powerful example.
These standard data structures are limited by borders of a single JVM. They depend on available memory within one server. They don’t scale during high loads.
In-memory data grids (IMDG) may help to solve this problem. They offer distributed versions of Java data structures. Data is spread across multiple servers. Data grids provide failover features and prevent data loss when a server crashes. And you can simply scale them up and down. Let’s go through the most popular Java native IMDG implementations and compare distributed data structures provided.
Keep Your Secrets Secret – TLS for Java developers
Hackers, spies and Sofia never sleep. It became a custom that network communication is protected by a TLS protocol. TLS provides data confidentiality, integrity and authenticity.
The TLS is not just great, it’s also complex with a bunch of extensions. It’s not hard to use it in the wrong way and stay vulnerable against different types of attacks. What happens when your certificates expire? Do you validate hostnames? Which certificate authorities are trusted in your setup?
Let’s look together what support Java runtime provides out-of-the-box and what developers have to handle manually. The presentation will cover the performance consequences of using TLS and how the certificate validation works. We will also talk about the common implementation flaws and TLS communication debugging.
After the talk, attendees will be able to identify issues in their TLS usage and fix them.