Rudy De Busscher
Rudy loves to create (web) applications with the Java EE platform and MicroProfile implementations and is currently working for Payara Services Limited in the Service Team. He helps customers, writes technical content, is part of some MicroProfile implementations and advocates the Payara Products in various ways.
He is active in the IT industry for more than 20 years and created many applications for customers. He is also a big fan of OpenSource and helped in various OpenSource projects like DeltaSpike, PrimeFaces, and Apache Myfaces. He is also passionate about Web Application Security using OAuth2, OpenID Connect, and JWT. He maintains the Octopus OpenSource project and is a member of the Jakarta EE Security API team.
Transactions in your micro-services architecture
How can you make different pieces of your unit of work consistent in the distributed setup of your micro-service application?
You associate the term transaction probably with a database, but the data source can be anything including a database in the micro-service world.
The MicroProfile Long Running Actions specification is based on sagas and the OASIS LRA transaction model specification. It defines the framework to guarantee the eventual consistency requirement using compensating actions for example.
This session will explain you the challenges and concepts of the MP LRA framework. And of course, you can see it in action with various demos.
Finally, easy integration testing with Testcontainers
Integration testing is always a difficult area. You need to make sure that all system are connected, data is correctly initialised for each run and test runs do not interfere with each other.
You can do integration testing today, but sometimes these tests are flaky for various reasons or they cannot cover all the cases that you would like to test.
With the Testcontainers project, this issue can be a thing of the past. It allows you to create reliable integration tests covering a wide range of scenarios like database usages, micro services interaction and GUI testing. One of the important factors for the success of this framework is the usage of Docker containers to create a reproducible environment for the test.
This presentation shows you the basics of Testcontainers and within demos gives you examples of testing database integration, microservices integration and testing the UI with Selenium.